To understand the actions required - its first important to understand what version of Theme your store is running on.

This can be determined from the Instant Brand application by what tabs are displayed to you.

If you launch the application and see this message - then the app needs additional access to support the new features being provided.

Accept the additional access to move on to the next step.

OS2 (Section Capable) Theme - no vintage Installation

The application will only display the new Welcome, Settings and original Brands and Get Help tabs

As there is no existing vintage installation - there are no migration steps required.

Simply follow these (steps) to install a feature or select a template and click on the deep link buttons.

OS2 (Section Capable) Theme - with existing vintage Installation

You have a new OS2 theme with an existing vintage brand page installation.

Because of this you will see the tabs for both OS2 and Vintage management to allow for transition from your old page to your new one.

The first and most important step is to update your vintage page to the latest version. This will also trigger the migration of assets needed for your OS2 implementation such as your brand images.

Once completed - review your brand images are as expected and Click save

Simply follow these (steps) to install a feature or select a template and click on the deep link buttons.

Vintage Only Theme

Your theme does not support sections if the app only displays the Vintage Welcome and Vintage Settings tabs.

To prepare for future theme changes or migrations - simply click on the Upgrade Available button (it will be red if one if available). 

Once completed - review that your brand images are as expected and Click save

Your theme is now ready for upgrade or for you to use the new features on a draft OS2 theme. 

Note you will only have to do this once for your store not on every Vintage version upgrade.