The Related Posts feature is a great way to display Blog posts on your product pages to assist in buying decisions. How to, recipes and reviews are all examples of how you can leverage your content. In our standard setup you select the blog to load posts from and thats that.
However if you wish to show posts from different blogs on different products you have two options.
1. Create a Product template for each use case
2. You can use Product Tags to search for Blogs
This article covers the second option.
1. Leave the Selected blog as blank/empty
2. Check the handle name for the blog you want to load posts from. You can do this by viewing post from that Blog and checking the link in your browser.
In the example below - we can see the blog name or handle after /blogs/ is 'know-your-fruit'
3. Add the Blog name as a tag to your product.
The name can be handleized (with dashes) 'know-your-fruit' or not 'know your fruit'
Simply add and click save
4. The app will now check the product tags for matching blogs and load posts from them