By default using the 'Link to matching Collections' option in the Instant Brand Page app will automatically connect your brand links to collections which share the same *handlized name

*handlized - is the URL friendly link name that Shopify creates. You can see this in the SEO name value or in the URL link. 

For SEO purposes it may not always be possible for both the Brand name and the collection handle to match.

There may also be a simple requirement to redirect that Brand to a seperate brand landing page.

Instead of changing all brand links we provide a workaround solution that uses a navigation menu to substitute an individual Brands link.

To set this up - follow these instructions

  • Create a new Navigation Menu called 'instant-brand-page-redirect-menu'. You can rename later if you wish but the handle must remain the same

  • Add a new menu item - the Name must match the Brand name exactly as its displayed on the Brand Page. 

  • Use the Link option to provide the mapping to your custom link and click 'Add'
  • Make sure you save the Menu on completion

The Brand on the Instant Brand Page will now redirect to this custom link. 

To redirect multiple Brands - simply add a Menu Item for each one.