Difficulty: Easy Time to Implement: 10min

Before making any changes to your Theme files or code its recommended to backup your current configuration. This will then give you a quick way to return to your previous state should anything go wrong.

  1. Log on to you Shopify store (if you havent already) via https://<yourstorename>.myshopify.com/admin
  2. This will take you to your stores Dashboard.
  3. In the lower left hand side you will see an option called 'Online Store'. Click on it
  4. It will expand to present further options. Click on the option titled 'Themes'
  5. From the 'Actions' menu, select the 'Duplicate' option
  6. This will now create a Copy of your running theme - aptly named 'Copy of <your current theme name>'
  7. To make it easy to remember - we suggest you choose to rename it by clicking on the 'Actions' drop down and choosing the 'Rename' option
  8. Give it a good name like - theme and backup date so you will find it easy to recognise later

  9. It will then show up as an unpublished theme below you current theme
  10. Congratulations - you just created a backup of your theme!

To restore a previous backup - just click on the 'Publish theme' button!